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3 days ago4 min read
Uncovering the Silent Epidemic: Healthcare Ransomware and its Devastating Impact
My doctors office experienced a ransomware attack last year. All my doctors appointments were cancelled for over a month. The doctors...
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3 days ago3 min read
The K-9 Piggy Bank
Teddy recalling from an off leash run Early into my dog training days, I had someone try to convince me that my dog should work because...
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Jun 20, 20241 min read
Command Combos
Dogs are like sponges. They will learn however much you want to teach them. But there is a limit to how many commands we as humans can...
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Jun 17, 20242 min read
I will never forget the time at a business show someone approached the AP-Cyber booth. They admitted they were out of compliance with...
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Jun 16, 20243 min read
I've been going to the dog park agility area early in the morning with Teddy so that we could avoid distractions. Teddy is a dog that...
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Jun 10, 20241 min read
What's in a Reward?
Dogs don't work for free. They want a pay day just like humans do. Their 'pay' comes in different forms. Its not a standard size or...
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May 30, 20243 min read
What is a reactive dog?
When I owned my first reactive dog, I thought I was an experienced dog trainer. I had trained dogs in obedience and agility and search...
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May 30, 20242 min read
Monitoring- Vital for Cyber's Future
We hear about breaches in the news constantly. We all hope we aren't the next ones to be affected. However, the truth is we will likely...
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May 7, 20243 min read
Consistency is Hard
It is easy to do something for 1 day. It is more difficult to do it for a week. It keeps getting more and more difficult the longer you...
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Mar 17, 20242 min read
Consistently Training Your Dog
There are different methods of being consistent in dog training. One aspect is having a regular training schedule. I have an extremely...
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Mar 14, 20242 min read
Compliance vs. Actual Security
Regulations serve a great purpose. They make sure folks are meeting a minimum standard. People want to know that if they disclose...
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Mar 5, 20242 min read
Penetration Tests Vs. Risk Assessments
The number one thing that everyone asks for when they come to us is a penetration test. They hand us external facing IP addresses and...
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Mar 5, 20242 min read
Challenge the Impossible
When I was in my early 20's someone slammed into my car when I stopped at a red light. The car had very little damage, but was left with...
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Mar 4, 20244 min read
Trainer Style Differences
Recently a coworker asked me about what she should look for in a dog trainer. I thought it might be a good time on the blog to describe...
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Mar 1, 20242 min read
Change Management
There are multiple security controls listed in cyber best practices related to change management. Yet, when I talk to people many times...
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Jan 11, 20241 min read
Fail Early, Fail Often, Fail Forward
Failure is difficult. It makes us feel miserable. We all hate missing the target or being wrong. However, failure is also good. We learn...
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Jan 11, 20242 min read
Barking Dogs
Barking dogs can be very frustrating. So how do you fix a barking dog? Unfortunately, it does depend. The way to solve a barking dog...
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Jan 11, 20241 min read
Software Security
We all use software programs to accomplish various tasks. We've discussed in a past blog about conducting cyber evaluations before...
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Dec 27, 20232 min read
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
There is tons and tons of information about us that we give away freely everyday. There is social media where we are openly sharing...
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